The license period starts running from the moment your new key is generated. The confirmation email contains both your receipt and instructions on how to obtain your new license key. When your renewal is completed, a new license key is generated and a confirmation email is sent to the billing contact.

Our system does not allow you to renew early, as this would cause overlap between your old and new license key. If you would still like to renew your subscription after you canceled recurring billing, please contact the Lansweeper sales team via our sales form. If you did previously cancel recurring billing for your subscription, you will not receive the automated renewal email. Hello,Our premium subscription has been automatically renewned by Cleverbridge on 18th of December, but apparently we never received the new license file. This automated email includes your renewal cost, renewal instructions and an optional subscription cancellation link. The Lansweeper App for MSFT Sentinel allows SOC team members to leverage the Lansweeper capabilities of IT Asset discovery and identification, allowing it to be automated via the Microsoft Logic App.

If you did not cancel recurring billing, the billing contact (specified during your initial purchase) will receive an automated email 30 days prior to your subscription's expiration date.

Existing Lansweeper subscriptions cannot be renewed through our online store or through our reseller portal.