Whenever you save multiple artboards to a PDF with Illustrator, the order of the pages are determined by the order in which you created the artboards. Step 3: Designate The Order Of Your Artboards For this demonstration I will be naming them as follows:Īnd so on. Proceed to give all of your artboards names that make chronological sense. If you do not see these tool settings then navigate to Window > Control to activate it. This will make it easier for you to organize your pages moving forward. You will see an input box for the name: Make sure to designate a name for each artboard. To change the names of your artboards, grab the Artboards Tool, click on the artboard, then navigate to the tool settings at the top of the page. By default, your duplicated artboards will be given names like “Artboard copy 1” and so on, so we’ll need to use a more universal naming system in order to keep track of everything. This will help us keep everything organized. If you’d like to assign the sizes of your artboards based on designs you’ve already created then I have a tutorial for that here.

For this demonstration I will be creating a 3-page PDF document, so I created 3 artboards. Make as many copies as you’ll need for your document. You can duplicate your artboards by clicking and dragging them, and then holding Alt on the keyboard. If you’d like your artboards to be placed on the same vertical or horizontal plane, make sure to hold Shift as well to constrain it to that axis. To do this, grab the Artboards Tool (keyboard shortcut: Shift + O) select your artboard, then click and drag it while holding Alt on your keyboard to create a copy of it.

Now we need to create multiple copies of this artboard.

The default artboard will represent page 1 in the PDF that we’re going to export.