Similarly, OnePlus has Hidden Space in its smartphones. Samsung calls it Secure Folder, Realme and Oppo phones have Private Safe. Use the Secure or Private Space feature of the phone If you don’t want to lock the entire Gallery app or hide photos manually, smartphone brands also include a Secure space as a part of their custom user interface.

To acces it, head to Settings → Privacy → App Lock and follow the on-screen instructions to setup the App lock. For instance, on OnePlus smartphone, the App Lock option is tucked inside the Privacy Settings. Look for the app lock option and lock the Gallery app. This also gives you the option to lock the Gallery app as well. Password protect your Gallery app Some smartphones – from Oppo, Xiaomi, and OnePlus – also offer the option to lock apps. For this, head to Gallery Settings and choose the option Hide or unhide albums. Some smartphones also offer the option to hide the entire album.

All you need to do is head to the Gallery app, long press on the photo and hit Hide. Methods that can help you safeguard your photos and videos on Android Hide your photos from the Gallery app Hiding photos on Android smartphones is simple.